Registry, Credentials and Wallet (RCW)


Registry, Credentials and Wallet (RCW) is a project that implements the core Verifiable Credentials (VC) Specification published by W3C.

Initial implemenetation of RCW was done as the core credentialling services for the Unified Learner’s Passbook (ULP) project which was proposed in the National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP 2020) by Ministry of Education, Government of India. The pilot launch of ULP is scheduled for the state of Uttar Pradesh, India (most populous state of India).

Open Source Relevance

The core services, namely, Credential-MS, Cred-Schema-MS and Identity were abstracted out and contributed to Sunbird RC. Sunbird RC is the software which powers the generation and management of credentials like our COVID Vaccination certificate in India. These core services are maintained by the original implementers, SamagraX alongside me here at Registry, Credentials and Wallet (RCW).

Link to commits contributed by me to Sunbird RC for their 2.0 release

Architecture, Tech Stack and Deployment

These services follow a microservices architecture to enable credentialling in your project. The architecture of how these services work with each other is shown in the picture below.

RCW Architecture

Each of these services are built using NestJS with TypeScript and come bundled with Dockerfile, Jenkinsfile and Ansible roles for easy deployment. The RCW Github Organisation has the devops which hosts a one click deployment mechanism of these services to be used in any project.
